
Demokratiekonferenz „Solidarisch, aber mit wem?“

Teil II der Veranstaltungsreihe „Gesellschaft zwischen Krise und Aufbruch“

Solidarity, but with whom? – on January 21, 2021 at 7 p.m., via Zoom

The term solidarity has been on everyone’s lips again since the beginning of the pandemic. But to whom does our solidarity relate? On January 21, 2021, from 7 p.m., we will ask our guests Daphne Büllesbach (Institute for Solidarity Modernity) and Mattea Weihe (Sea-Watch) what solidarity means to them and how we can live it in everyday life.

As part of the „Society between crisis and awakening“ series of events, the partnerships for democracy in Marzahn and Hellersdorf in 2020 and 2021 invite people from politics, science and civil society to discuss current political issues. Viewers are given the opportunity to ask questions.

Please register for the event:


The organizers reserve the right to grant access to the event to persons who belong to right-wing extremist parties or organizations, or who have already made racist, nationalistic, anti-Semitic or other inhuman statements in the past or have disseminated such statements deny or exclude them.

You can find the flyer for the event  here .

More information about the series of events can be found  here .