
Impfskepsis – zwischen Kritik und Menschenfeindlichkeit

Documentation of the digital expert discussion of the inter-district expert group „Strengthened into everyday life without limits“ with Benjamin Winkler (Amadeu Antonio Foundation/Leipzig) in June 2021

In June, we held a technical discussion with the inter-district specialist group “Strengthened without limits in everyday life” from the districts of Pankow, Lichtenberg, Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Treptow-Köpenick and the practice center ju:an.


Under the title „Vaccine skepticism between criticism and misanthropy“ we invited to a keynote speech and exchange with Benjamin Winkler  (Amadeu Antonio Foundation, Leipzig)  .



The effects of the corona pandemic continue to pose many challenges for educational professionals. Since the start of the vaccination campaign against the coronavirus, the topic of „vaccination“ has also become an increasingly important topic of discussion in youth work. Both in teams and in relationship work with children and young people. The specialist documentation on the history and current characteristics of vaccination skepticism, opposition to vaccination and how these can be dealt with as a challenge for pedagogical specialists in schools, open child and youth work etc. is now available.


The documentation can  be viewed and downloaded for free here  .

For years, a supra-regional organizational group has been organizing the annual symposium “Strengthened without borders into everyday life” .  The professional debates and discussions about working with young people with an affinity for the law and related topics should be carried into open child and youth work and school social work using practical examples.