
Einladung Projektbörse Hellersdorf

Bei der Projektbörse sollen sich alle im Jahr 2016 von der „Partnerschaft für Demokratie“ geförderten Projekte den Hellersdorfer/innen vorstellen.

WHAT WORKS? Project exchange to present the funded projects

At the project exchange, all projects funded by the „Partnership for Democracy“ in 2016 should present themselves to the people of Hellersdorf. This gives the people in the district the opportunity to find out about the variety of offers and projects on site and also to make their own suggestions. In addition, the project exchange is used for networking, the exchange of ideas and inspiration for future project applications. We would like to use this time to talk to each other and thank you for your commitment.

Time: Tuesday, November 15, 2016, 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Location: Stendaler Str. 25, 12627 Berlin (in the foyer of the mine or the CineStar cinema)

Registration : No registration required. Just stop by!

Exclusion: In accordance with § 6 paragraph 1 VersG, the organizers reserve the right to exercise their domiciliary rights and to assign people who belong to right-wing extremist parties or organizers to the right-wing extremist scene or have already been racist, nationalistic, anti-Semitic or other inhumane in the past Statements have appeared to deny access to the event or to exclude it from it.


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