
Veranstaltung „Online-Radikalisierung von rechts“ am 5.10.2021

Expert talk for youth welfare professionals

In the workshop we will look at the phenomenon of „online radicalization“ with a focus on right-wing extremists and their targeted approaches to young people. After an input on terms, content-related questions and methodological approaches by a speaker from the „AntiAnti“ project, we will exchange views on the challenges educators face in their everyday work and how they can approach the topic in their everyday pedagogical practice.

10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Hanns-Eisler-Straße 93, 10409 Berlin

The number of participants is limited.

Organized by the inter-district specialist group „Strengthened without borders into everyday life“ from Pankow, Lichtenberg, Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Treptow-Köpenick and the practice center Ju:an.

You can find the flyer for the event  here .